Being Relevant at Any Age
I started 2023 with the January newsletter about being relevant. This six month check-in serves as a reminder to reflect on that commitment – to self. Celebrating a birthday north of 65 this month somehow makes the idea of remaining relevant seem, well, almost defeating. Being in this DEIA space can be exhausting, but I am still encouraged by the stronger voices of the present and the past that keep me motivated.
Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives have gained significant traction in recent years, highlighting the need for various perspectives and experiences to shape a more inclusive society. While many voices contribute to this essential dialogue, the role of older Black women in DEI often remains overlooked. I recently had lunch in New York City with a new acquaintance who shared some of her earlier career history in retail marketing from Macy’s to a highly claimed children’s television show. As a beautiful young Black woman in the dominant white male profession in the 60’s – 90’s, she was quite vocal as an early pioneer for inclusion in the marketing and advertising industry. She shared stories about how white men (women, too) were astonished by her intelligence and experience; even more her insistence to have more diversity in the ads and commercials representing the fashions, services, and the educational products geared towards early childhood learning. She pushed back on their push back.
Older Black women have lived through a tumultuous history, witnessing and enduring systemic discrimination and oppression. Their experiences encompass not only racial prejudice but also gender bias, which places them at the intersection of multiple forms of discrimination. This unique perspective enables them to offer valuable insights into the complexities of DEI. They understand the nuanced challenges faced by marginalized communities and can shed light on how these intersecting identities shape lived experiences. Their firsthand knowledge becomes a crucial tool in dismantling systemic barriers and promoting social justice.
The majority of the women are not famous and can be found in communities near you. There are more stories to hear and more truth to be revealed. They are the history makers in our families, businesses, faith-based, and social spaces.
Older Black women bring a wealth of wisdom gained from navigating various societal landscapes. Their life experiences, resilience, and determination make them invaluable mentors and role models for younger generations. Through storytelling and sharing their journeys, they can inspire and empower individuals to overcome adversity, challenge stereotypes, and promote inclusion. Their guidance helps younger individuals understand the historical context of discrimination and the progress made thus far. By bridging generational gaps, older Black women foster inter-generational dialogue, ensuring that the fight for DEIAB remains at the forefront of societal progress.
The contributions made by older Black women in the realm of DEI are immeasurable and continue to be relevant today. Their intersectional perspectives, garnered through a lifetime of navigating systemic biases, offer a nuanced understanding of the challenges faced by marginalized communities. Through mentoring and sharing their wisdom, they empower younger generations to continue the fight for equity and inclusion. Furthermore, their grassroots activism and community engagement create ripples of change that reverberate beyond their immediate circles. Acknowledging and amplifying the voices and contributions of older Black women is crucial for building a more equitable and inclusive society for all.
The recent death of ageless musical icon Tina Turner reminded me of the beauty, talent, intelligence, and embodiment of a life well-lived that triumphed over discrimination and adversity. From ordinary examples like the Black female marketing executive to the beloved musical icon, my resolve to remain relevant in 2023 still resonates.
“You can never leave footprints that last if you are always walking on tiptoe.”
― Leymah Gbowee
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My LinkedIn course, ‘Managing a Diverse Team’, is now available in nine languages.